rough-stalked feather-moss
Scientific name: Brachythecium rutabulum
Family: Brachytheciaceae
Other common names;
Flowering time:
Growing conditions: many lowland habitat types
Nectar source for:
Food source for:
One of the UKs commonest mosses.
How to identify: Yellow-green in colour and glossy. They have concave stem leaves that are broadly triangular-ovate, widest close to the base and tapering to a narrow, acuminate tip. It can be recognized by its pale glossy shoot tips, which some say look a little like fairy lights. It frequently has capsules and these develop on a coarsely papillose seta, which looks dull and rough through a hand-lens. The capsule always has a conical lid, never beaked.
How to propagate:
Family: Brachytheciaceae
Other common names;
Flowering time:
Growing conditions: many lowland habitat types
Nectar source for:
Food source for:
One of the UKs commonest mosses.
How to identify: Yellow-green in colour and glossy. They have concave stem leaves that are broadly triangular-ovate, widest close to the base and tapering to a narrow, acuminate tip. It can be recognized by its pale glossy shoot tips, which some say look a little like fairy lights. It frequently has capsules and these develop on a coarsely papillose seta, which looks dull and rough through a hand-lens. The capsule always has a conical lid, never beaked.
How to propagate: