Scientific name: Briza media
Family: Poaceae
Other common names; Totter grass, Dithery dock, Wigwams, Toddling grass
Flowering time: June to September
Height: to 40cm
Growing conditions: chalky soils
Nectar source for:
Food source for: Farmland birds including, yellowhammers, linnets, greenfinches and house sparrows
How to identify: The pendulous, heart-shaped, green-and-purple spikelets that contain the flowers of quaking-grass look like miniature hops. They are held in loose clusters on fine stems that quake in the breeze.
How to propagate:
Family: Poaceae
Other common names; Totter grass, Dithery dock, Wigwams, Toddling grass
Flowering time: June to September
Height: to 40cm
Growing conditions: chalky soils
Nectar source for:
Food source for: Farmland birds including, yellowhammers, linnets, greenfinches and house sparrows
How to identify: The pendulous, heart-shaped, green-and-purple spikelets that contain the flowers of quaking-grass look like miniature hops. They are held in loose clusters on fine stems that quake in the breeze.
How to propagate: