Meadow Vetchling
Scientific name: Lathyrus pratensis
Family: Fabaceae
Other common names; meadow pea, yellow pea
Flowering time: May to July
Height: 30-120cm
Growing conditions: relatively dry areas of the meadow
Nectar source for: long-tongued insects such as butterflies, bumble bees and flies
Food source for:
Meadow vetchling makes a brilliant show in full summer on Long Mead climbing all over the tall grasses and other plants. It has a particular relationship with bumblebees supplying them with essential nectar at the end of summer and being dependent on them for pollination.
How to identify: Meadow vetchling is a scrambling plant with long stems that end with a group of yellow, pea-like flowers. The flowers are followed by shiny, black seed pods that look like peapods. Its leaves comprise a single pair of leaflets that have tendrils.
How to propagate: Propagate by seed or division.
Family: Fabaceae
Other common names; meadow pea, yellow pea
Flowering time: May to July
Height: 30-120cm
Growing conditions: relatively dry areas of the meadow
Nectar source for: long-tongued insects such as butterflies, bumble bees and flies
Food source for:
Meadow vetchling makes a brilliant show in full summer on Long Mead climbing all over the tall grasses and other plants. It has a particular relationship with bumblebees supplying them with essential nectar at the end of summer and being dependent on them for pollination.
How to identify: Meadow vetchling is a scrambling plant with long stems that end with a group of yellow, pea-like flowers. The flowers are followed by shiny, black seed pods that look like peapods. Its leaves comprise a single pair of leaflets that have tendrils.
How to propagate: Propagate by seed or division.