Marsh marigold
Scientific name: Caltha palustris
Family: Ranunculaceae
Other common names; Kingcup
Flowering time: March to July
Height: to 50cm
Growing conditions: wet areas
Nectar source for: many insects
Food source for:
A conspicuous spring flower which is good for wildlife, providing shelter for frogs and early nectar for insects.
How to identify: Marsh-marigold is a large buttercup-like flower that grows in wet places. It has very large, rounded, scalloped leaves.
How to propagate: Propagate by sowing ripe seed in summer.
Family: Ranunculaceae
Other common names; Kingcup
Flowering time: March to July
Height: to 50cm
Growing conditions: wet areas
Nectar source for: many insects
Food source for:
A conspicuous spring flower which is good for wildlife, providing shelter for frogs and early nectar for insects.
How to identify: Marsh-marigold is a large buttercup-like flower that grows in wet places. It has very large, rounded, scalloped leaves.
How to propagate: Propagate by sowing ripe seed in summer.