hemlock water-dropwort
Scientific name: Oenanthe crocata
Family: Apiaceae
Other common names; balder root, ban dock, dead tongue
Flowering time: July to August
Height: 1 to 1.5m
Growing conditions: poorly-drained soils, full sun
Nectar source for: Marsh fritillary butterflies, flower, longhorn, and soldier beetles, and hoverflies
Food source for:
Extremely poisonous to humans. Perennial plant.
How to identify: It forms elongated root tubers and has erect, hollow, grooved stems. Leaves are pinnate and flowerheads of white umbels, 5-10cm across. Bushy and deciduous foliage.
How to propagate: Propagate by seed.
Family: Apiaceae
Other common names; balder root, ban dock, dead tongue
Flowering time: July to August
Height: 1 to 1.5m
Growing conditions: poorly-drained soils, full sun
Nectar source for: Marsh fritillary butterflies, flower, longhorn, and soldier beetles, and hoverflies
Food source for:
Extremely poisonous to humans. Perennial plant.
How to identify: It forms elongated root tubers and has erect, hollow, grooved stems. Leaves are pinnate and flowerheads of white umbels, 5-10cm across. Bushy and deciduous foliage.
How to propagate: Propagate by seed.