hairy sedge
Scientific name: Carex hirta
Family: Cyperaceae
Other common names;
Flowering time: June to September
Height: 30 to 70cm
Growing conditions: damp areas
Nectar source for:
Food source for:
How to identify: A creeping, tufted plant, the roots are often branched, leaves and sheaths are hairy, and it has long beaked, downy fruits. Inflorescence is elongated with 2 or 3 male spikelets at the tip, and several erect, widely spaced oblong female spikelets with long leaf like bracts.
How to propagate:
Family: Cyperaceae
Other common names;
Flowering time: June to September
Height: 30 to 70cm
Growing conditions: damp areas
Nectar source for:
Food source for:
How to identify: A creeping, tufted plant, the roots are often branched, leaves and sheaths are hairy, and it has long beaked, downy fruits. Inflorescence is elongated with 2 or 3 male spikelets at the tip, and several erect, widely spaced oblong female spikelets with long leaf like bracts.
How to propagate: