cut-leaved crane's bill
Scientific name: Geranium dissectum
Family: Geraniaceae
Other common names;
Flowering time: May to August
Height: 30 to 40cm
Growing conditions: prefers thinly grassed areas and recently disturbed soils, moist and well-drained soils.
Nectar source for: bees and hoverflies
Food source for:
An annual, upright or sprawling plant.
How to identify: A mounding plant, the leaf dark green is hairy and palmately lobed and have a light citrusy fragrance, the leaf margin may have purple or red colouration. The five-petalled flowers are shades of blue, pink, purple and white, and the sepals end in a bristle.
How to propagate: Propagation may be done by collecting seed throughout the summer, then sow in spring or early summer for flowers the following summer., stem rooting in water, semi-ripe wood cuttings in summer, or by root division in autumn or spring.
Family: Geraniaceae
Other common names;
Flowering time: May to August
Height: 30 to 40cm
Growing conditions: prefers thinly grassed areas and recently disturbed soils, moist and well-drained soils.
Nectar source for: bees and hoverflies
Food source for:
An annual, upright or sprawling plant.
How to identify: A mounding plant, the leaf dark green is hairy and palmately lobed and have a light citrusy fragrance, the leaf margin may have purple or red colouration. The five-petalled flowers are shades of blue, pink, purple and white, and the sepals end in a bristle.
How to propagate: Propagation may be done by collecting seed throughout the summer, then sow in spring or early summer for flowers the following summer., stem rooting in water, semi-ripe wood cuttings in summer, or by root division in autumn or spring.