creeping cinquefoil
Scientific name: Potentilla reptans
Family: Rosaceae
Other common names;
Flowering time: June to September
Height: 1m
Growing conditions: partly shady areas
Nectar source for: many insects
Food source for:
The invasive habit of creeping cinquifoil, spreading via quick rooting runners, means it can easily smother other plants, with up to 15 runners produced per plant, each having up to 20 rooting nodes capable of quickly growing a deep taproot.
How to identify: Creeping cinquefoil has stems up to 1m long which bear 5-lobed strawberry-like green leaves and bright yellow Potentilla flowers. Plants grow from a main taproot, 30cm long and blackish in colour.
How to propagate: Propagate by seed or by division in spring.
Family: Rosaceae
Other common names;
Flowering time: June to September
Height: 1m
Growing conditions: partly shady areas
Nectar source for: many insects
Food source for:
The invasive habit of creeping cinquifoil, spreading via quick rooting runners, means it can easily smother other plants, with up to 15 runners produced per plant, each having up to 20 rooting nodes capable of quickly growing a deep taproot.
How to identify: Creeping cinquefoil has stems up to 1m long which bear 5-lobed strawberry-like green leaves and bright yellow Potentilla flowers. Plants grow from a main taproot, 30cm long and blackish in colour.
How to propagate: Propagate by seed or by division in spring.